Sunday, June 18, 2006

Ruel Morton Notes #1 Rep fhtm

The sweetest revenge is massive success.
Goals prove to others that you are successful and they're wrong about you.

Companies are spending money that they're going to spend anyway, whether it's on advertising or whether it's paying you.

Get me in front of some of your friends.

It's $299; Let me go to work for you!

I want you on my team!

I don't care. I do. I will. I can.

People don't do this business because they're afraid.

People will not follow someone who doesn't know where they're going. You need to have confidence.

It's not how you do the business, It's why you do the business!

You don't know if you're right. You don't know if you're wrong.
"You've done it your way the last 10 years. How's it going?"

What you're doing is not working!

You're so busy being broke you don't have time to make money.

When you're lost the instinct is go faster.
The correct thing is to sit down and get your bearings.
That's why people in the wilderness get lost. Is my effort worth $299 to you?

No. $299, let me go to work for you! What are you afraid of?

Not working? Yes or no, not maybe. I want a yes or no.
I need some sharp business partners!

Skeptical? Go sign up a rep and see if it works!
See if the check comes!

What if this works?

I can see opportunity better than some is my number one strength!
I'm willing to take a chance. Do you think that this is something that you want to be a part of?

What gives you the right to abort this mission?

Being broke is miserable.

You need to pay a price. Do the most you can.

I will Put people into work into your area! Do you want to benefit from their efforts?

You can't start a lemonade stand for $299.
This is for you, not me! I'm already doing this!
This is an opportunity.

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