Sunday, June 17, 2007

Recordings for Fortune High Tech Marketing Fhtm

Most of the following info. is to help you grow your Fortune High Tech Marketing Business FHTM. Most is generic and can be transposed to your MLM of choice.

Dana Brackens 1-646-222-0243 Prospecting recording (short) Best!
Paul Stowers 1-212-990-6178 Prospecting recording (short)
Mike Mizenheimer's 1-212-990-6461 Prospecting recording (short)
George Flanner 1-212-461-2616 Prospecting recording (short)
Steve Jordan's 1-212-990-6983 (20 Minute recording) (long!)
College Professor 1-212-990-6847 (1 hour) call Ask prospect to listen to 10 minutes of this!! Very Well Done.

Mike M's Training 212-990-6144 (His recorded training ; excellent!)
Mike M's (Wed) Night Calls 1-646-519-5800 PIN 9729# (10pm - 11pm)

Steve Jordan's Thursday Night Closing calls 712-338-8900 x 3486#
10:30 eastern ( When you need a little more push...)

Jerry Brown's nightly 9p.m.est. call 605-772-3233 x 299394 (live)
Scott Tillery's Team Call Sun 9pm est 646-519-5800 pin 9309#

Joel McNinch's (from Michigan) Sunday Success call with 2 or 3 people earning an extra $25m a month within a year or so (a must!)
call 646-519-5800, and the PIN is 0505# sunday 8 pm. est

Nightly Presentations at


Call into the Fortune Training Center 1-641-715-3800 using access code 823754#. These recordings can be listened to at any time...

Ext 0 - Back to Menu
Ext 1 - Getting Started
Ext 2 - Success Stories
Ext 3 - Gathering Customers
Ext 4 - Compensation Details (NOT UPDATED)
Ext 5 - Leadership Training
Ext 6 - Earn $8,000 in 5 Weeks (NOT UPDATED)
Ext 7 - 20 Ways To Find Reps
Ext 8 - Paul Orberson - Unleash Your Potential
Ext 9 - Jim Miles - Attorney & Former Secretary of State
Ext 10 - Al Thomas - 25 Objections to Networking
Ext 11 - Jerry Clark - Murphy's Committee
Ext 12 - Robert Kiyosaki - Perfect Business Interview
Ext 13 - Art Williams - Just Do It
Ext 14 - Tim Sales - Brilliant Compensation
Ext 15 - Kim Klaver - So You Want To Be A Networker?

Business Overviews

Dana Brackins--646-222-0243
Todd Rowland--212-990-7440
Mike Miseheimer--212-990-6461
Joel McNinch--212-990-6847
Steve Jordan--212-990-6983
Paul Stowers--212-990-6178
Additional call--212-990-6170
Training Calls
Scott Aguliar--641-715-3800-push 823754# then 1
Steve Jordan--212-990-7022
Mike Miseheimer--212-990-6144

This is the #1 Fortune High Tech FHTM Video on YouTube...

Saturday, June 9, 2007

CLOSES for your MLM and Fortune High Tech fhtm

"When do you see yourself getting started?" Lets do this now!

If I could show show you a way to make a couple of thousand dollars a month would that be worth 5 minutes of your time? (recording)

You need to Ask for the Order! AFTO Otherwise you've wasted their time and yours!

If I could show you a way to create a residual income in a couple of months that's only going to get bigger, would that be something that's worth 15 minutes of your time.

If you were exactly where you are in FIVE years; How would you feel?

I realize that this is a lot of information to absorb.
Does this look like something that you would like to be apart of???

It's $299; Let me go to work for you!
I want you on my team!

Skeptical? Go sign up a rep and see if it works!
See if the check comes!

What if this works?

I can see opportunity and that is my number one strength!
I'm willing to take a chance. Do you think that this is something that you want to be a part of?

I am putting people into work in your area! Do you want to benefit from their efforts?

You can't start a lemonade stand for $299.
This is for you, not me!
I'm already doing this!

How would you feel if you get 1000 employees working for you?

If you could keep doing what your're already doing ; but change HOW you're doing it so you can earn some money would you take a look at something?

The companies we work with pay you Upfront for getting them loyal customers and will pay you as well ; Can I just show you this ?

Direct: I've always wanted to find a MLM that worked ; I've been doing great with this one!

How to Add 1500 people to your MLM in the next 4-5 years ... Works great with Fortune High Tech Marketing fhtm

Adding 1500 people over 5...
A methodology to growing your MLM nicely.
Most people fail in Mlm's. I think they enjoy a 98% failure rate!!!

In any business venture this would be catastrophic.

In Mlm's this is normal!.
Most people think they will get rich in 2-6 months. Hogwash.

A better strategy is thinking how to get 1600 people to join your group over the next 5 years...

In the first year you work hard to add 2 per week.
This will require you meet with 15 people .

You need to to call 10 people a day to setup a meeting.
This should result in 3 meetings per day.
If you meet with 15 people 3x5 days ; perhaps you close 2 people.

So... This is hard work. Sorry!

Ok, 2 people a week = 8 new per month and 96 in the first year.


If you help all of those people with training, developing their lists, etc. maybe they will all add 2 people in their first year. ( not a lot to ask).
Many will do more; Many will do nothing!

96 1st year
192 end of 2nd year with your 96 getting 2 people each
384 end of 3rd year with your 192 getting 2 people each


If you plan on seeing success YOU need to add the first 90 people personally to your team.
Don't wait for the others to do it for you; it will NEVER happen.

Once you have the first 20 in you can work with them to help them develop a list of 100.
You then "help" them call that list and setup those 15 meetings a week for the first 3 months.

This business is all about leveraging other peoples lists.
This is not just about leveraging other people!

You can't count on others, other than they probably know a bunch of people.
You need to help them understand how much hard work is involved otherwise you are cheating them!

Just my 2c
YOu can be successful.

Dan Ellis

Friday, June 8, 2007

10 Things you must do to Succeed in FHTM

1. Set goals to get 12 people in your team (Regional Sales Mgr.) A.S.A.P.

2. Go to 2 online meetings a week and invite people to join you.

3. Listen to Joel McNinch's call weekly. ( See calendar on right ).

4. Talk to 3 people a day about our "website company".

5. Ask people to listen to a recording.

6. Add 1 person a week (50 a year) to your team.

7. Attend all the local meetings you can.

8. Find a "buddy" who's already in FHTM who can help you and who's doing well.

9. Watch all material on the right!

10. Ask for help!

Introductory Presentations for your MLM or Fortune High Tech Marketing

Do you have a minute?

A. I want you to hear this ( 3 way call someone into 212-461-2616 ).
B. Ask them if they're a 1,2 or a 3?
c. Get them to:

1.A live presentation.
2." online" (see right)
3.The Fortune dvd (see right # 1)

"You're gonna do great! ; Let me go to work for you!"

Why don't you join me tonight at 8 or 10 pm at
This thing is worth your time to check out.

If you must explain it.

The number one network marketer in history in one of those crazy programs was making a million dollars a month in the 90's before he retired. He came out of retirement, and started his own company.( He would have earned 12mm a month with FHTM comp. plan!)

He set up a company with products people are using anyway, nothing they would have to leap into, so therefore, cell phones, high speed internet, long-distance calling, maybe a couple of vitamin tablets, but basic programs, XM radio, etc.

He asked people to spend about $100 bucks a month in services that they're already spending anyway. So his business is built on spending money to buy good products.

He then put together a compensation plan to bring new people in the business and for every person you bring in, you get about 100 bucks.

For every person that person brings in, you get about $100. For every person that person brings in, you get $100,(and then $250 when promoted)...

It just continues, forever, in a pyramid style, but it's build on a solid foundation of spending money for good products with Fortune 500 companies.

The interesting thing is, this is a business you can do if you don't really want to do network marketing.

You simply add three people, and then everyone you think would be a candidate, you introduce to these people for them to invite into the business.

We will even help with the leads...


Also position this business as:

Something that has two components, the actual business, and the gathering and processing of leads. You get paid for each component separately. The actual business is mostly unimportant and quite frankly we don't even pay much attention to it.

What we're concerned about is the compensation associated with adding new team members.

Also explain the ease of processing potential team members.( We can do all the selling for you!)

With professional sales people in place, if you get leads from various sources and pass them on, all you need to know is how to cash your checks...


A modern Twist.

I have started a new Internet company, we're getting around 10-20 leads a day off the Internet, and I have some salespeople in place that are converting these leads. I might need some more business partners. It's got very interesting prospects and we wanted to see if you may want to be added as a salesperson.

In exchange for delivering business to some Large Fortune 500 Companies( Verizon, Ge etc.)We are starting to earn an override or a residual income; and it's only going to get larger. We're also getting a bonus when we add members to our team...
Why don't you take a look NOW!